Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bone Marrow Transplant Update

Andrew and my Dad flew out to the National Institutes of Health in Maryland earlier this week. Andrew's team of doctors have decided to wait a couple years for a variety of reasons before proceeding with the transplant. I also got a packet of information sent home for me to read. I can now explain what process I'll go through to donate my bone marrow.

I'll get an injection over the course of two weeks that will increase the blood in my body. They don't break into a bone or anything to harvest the cells that are required for the transplant. It's similar in a way to donating plasma: they remove the needed cells and put the rest of the blood back. It's about a 4 or 5 hour procedure that I'll go through to harvest the specific cells they need.

Most likely side effects for me: achy bones because my bone marrow will be in overdrive. Possible headaches and skin rashes. Tiredness. Weakness. So, nothing too horrible.

I'm kinda bummed that they've decided to wait on the transplant, but I understand the reasoning behind it. It just gives me time to get super healthy!

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