Monday, March 12, 2012

History Detective pt. 3

What an adventure today from one old journal! I just got in touch with Diana Wolfe, Dave Warden's mother. Apparently, they've been trying to track down more information about the history of the Warden family. Diana just e-mailed me a few minutes ago, sending me a few pictures as well.

So now I have a lovely face to go with the name:

Blanche Warden
This is probably from right around the same time as when Blanche was writing in her journal. She actually mentions having pictures taken during June, so perhaps that's what this photo is from.

I finished reading her journal this afternoon. During the summer of 1910, Blanche and her family went to the lake. She writes about how hot it was, going to the yacht club for parties and dances, and hanging out with friends by the beach. Since there was still plenty of pages left to fill, my theory is that she must have lost her journal somewhere while her family was vacationing.

How cool is this whole thing?! This is what I love about the Internet: I can find an old journal and within a few hours discover who the author was and get in contact with descendants of the family! I'm hoping to get Blanche's journal back to them as soon as possible.

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