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way more awesome than my original idea |
I had multiple people (other tattoo artists and customers at Beloved) come through to check out my back as it was getting worked on. They were amazed at how big and epic I was going for my first tattoo. Apparently, teeny tiny is the norm for your first, but I didn't want piddly little chibi wings on my shoulder blades. Visitors would comment how painful it must be and how hardcore I was. Actually it really didn't hurt that much (except for at the end of the second session). I may look delicate, but I have a really high pain tolerance. Getting a spinal tap, having lots of blood drawn, breaking numerous bones and enduring several EMGs over the years has helped me build up my pain endurance.
"So you sat through multiple tattoo sessions for some colorful wings? Aren't angel wings kinda cliche?" you might be thinking at this point. Sure, it is a common tattoo motif, but my wings have a long story behind them and hold a lot of meaning for me. The super short cliff notes answer is the wings are a potent symbol of hope and God's grace and mercy in my life. The Lord of the Rings length version (which I will edit here, don't worry) starts sad and dark but ends hopeful and triumphant. Brandon and Dan don't even know the history behind my wings, but they added elements to the design that illustrate my story even more.
I have told few people what I'm about to tell you, but I think it's time I share this more publicly. I am a living testament to the reality of God. I know God is real, beyond a shadow of a doubt, because of what I've gone through, the good and the evil.
I was repeatedly sexually abused by my best friend's older brother when I was a little kid (under the age of 9). I won't go into all the details (frankly, because I don't remember everything), but I know I was molested at least several times over the years. Anyways, I completely blocked those memories, didn't even recall that it had happened....until it all literally came crashing back into my consciousness one winter night when I was eleven. I didn’t know how to talk about what had happened; and as a kid, thought that I would get in trouble if I said anything. So I didn't tell anyone about it for years. I got really depressed and had what I later figured out were panic attacks at night. It took me hours to get to sleep sometimes, fear and shame and panic would knot my stomach. When I moved into my own room, I had to have a night light by the door; I couldn’t walk down into the basement without a light on, because the dark would feel so oppressive and scary. Some nights I just couldn't turn to face the wall because I felt like SOMETHING was lurking outside my door and would get me if I let my guard down. As a 14-year-old you don’t want to admit to anyone you’re afraid of the dark.
I just wanted the fear, shame, guilt and utter loneliness to end. I hid it really well though—friends, family, no one knew the pain I was carrying around. I just didn’t have the words and tried to stuff the memories away as I went about my daily life.
Occasionally from when I was around 11 to maybe 15 years old, I would have these dreams where I would be flying. I usually don't remember my dreams, but I can recall these ones in crystal clear clarity. I always felt better when I woke up from a flying dream, it was like a little candle lit in a dark room. I would feel some quiet hope that the darkness and pain wouldn't last forever. But eventually the feeling would pass and I'd just feel the heaviness again.
And it’s not like I was a walking wraith or something. I went to school, church, youth group, babysat for people, took Driver’s Ed, normal teen stuff. I did have fun and have many good memories from my early teen years…but there was always this burden I was carrying around that I couldn’t get rid of. And at night, there was nothing to block out or distract me from the overwhelming fear I felt. I tried to pray it away, but what I needed to do was reach out to someone. I couldn’t deal with it myself.
The summer I was 15, I had come to the end of my rope. I just wanted to give up, I couldn’t take it anymore; I felt so isolated and alone. Sometimes I forget what a low place I was in then. The night before I left for this two week trip, I remember just being at my absolute wit's end. I wrote down a prayer (which I still have somewhere), just crying out from the depths of my heart. Pretty much I was like, "God, if you don't help me right now and do something to change this, I'm done. I can't do this, I can't carry this weight anymore. I don't know what to do or where to turn, but you need to do something over these next two weeks." And He answered that prayer far more than I could have imagined. That trip literally saved my life.
If I hadn't gone, I don't think I would be here today. God opened the wounds of my heart and started the healing process. I had an amazing youth leader that talked with me for hours every night. If not for her, I wouldn't have started dealing with my past. I told her what had happened to me, and she just hugged me and let me cry. I realized what had happened to me wasn't my fault, that I didn't need to feel guilty or ashamed. To just open up and tell someone and be accepted not rejected...my heart had been crying out for that.
The reason I use pendulum.and.fire as a user name online is from that trip. The name of the worship time we had one night was called Pendulums and Fire. The point was that most people are like pendulums--they swing back and forth between being hot and cold for God. We need to be like a steady burning fire, a hot ember even. It's not what our "feelings" are but Who our hearts belong to that determines our Christian walk. We need to grab onto God and not let go, no matter what. That night has stuck with me since that summer in 2002. I felt God's presence like I never have in my life. I could literally feel the weight of the Holy Spirit filling that room, filling me. It wasn't just a "mood" or a "feeling," Jesus touched my heart that night and I have never been the same since. Whenever I feel doubt about God's presence in my life, I just point myself back to that night. If I never experience anything supernatural in my life again, that one night is proof enough for me of who God is and that He is near. Satan has tried to drag me down to where I think God isn't involved in my life or doesn't really care, but all I need to do is look back on that night and see the truth.
The reason I use pendulum.and.fire as a user name online is from that trip. The name of the worship time we had one night was called Pendulums and Fire. The point was that most people are like pendulums--they swing back and forth between being hot and cold for God. We need to be like a steady burning fire, a hot ember even. It's not what our "feelings" are but Who our hearts belong to that determines our Christian walk. We need to grab onto God and not let go, no matter what. That night has stuck with me since that summer in 2002. I felt God's presence like I never have in my life. I could literally feel the weight of the Holy Spirit filling that room, filling me. It wasn't just a "mood" or a "feeling," Jesus touched my heart that night and I have never been the same since. Whenever I feel doubt about God's presence in my life, I just point myself back to that night. If I never experience anything supernatural in my life again, that one night is proof enough for me of who God is and that He is near. Satan has tried to drag me down to where I think God isn't involved in my life or doesn't really care, but all I need to do is look back on that night and see the truth.
So, my life was completely changed. I came back a different person. Some people get on an emotional high (and I would see it all the time in youth group) and then when the conference is over, within a week or two it's back to business as usual. My youth leader friend commented about that over two years later: she said, "You never came down from that because it wasn't an emotional 'high,' God brought you to a new place."
My wings are a testament of God's healing grace and love in my life.
They are also a reminder of Isaiah 40, especially verse 31: "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint."
And over the last 7 years as I've had to deal with health problems, my wings also speak to me of the hope I have for the future. That one day I (and Andrew, my brother) won't be sick. Andrew won’t have multiple diseases, innumerable drugs to take, illness to endure. I won’t limp around with wasted legs and painful joints, having to ration my energy. We will run through the fields of Heaven, never worrying about having to take drugs or getting tired out from walking up stairs. If I didn’t have that hope, this life would be completely unbearable. What is the point of a life of pain and sickness and misery and then you die, and that’s it? No, I have a hope and a future! Jesus said there is something to look forward to after death, and I believe that with all my heart.
So, my wings speak to me of the past, where I have been and where God has brought me from; they speak of the present, God's grace and sustaining power for what I endure today; and they speak of the future, a hope in what is unseen and not yet, a glorious resurrection and ultimate healing. That is the story my wings tell.
I love this! And I love you!
ReplyDeleteThat is beautiful Elisabeth - thanks for sharing your story. Satan would love to have you stay in darkness - hiding in your shame making you think you were deserving somehow. But the truth will set you free! You are a dearly loved child of God! Love you, Marie
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, Elisabeth. I love that your wings are a very tangible representation of what God has done and who He is. This prompted me to worship Christ!!