Thursday, February 28, 2013

A funny thing happened on the way to being an art superstar

Well, well, well, look who's back! Good grief, I can't believe I haven't posted anything on here since last summer! That's what happens, I guess, when you have chronic fatigue, a huge energy suck of a job, and then start seriously dating someone. There really wasn't much of me to spare. I prioritized the things I felt were most important, or that I had to focus on, and just let everything else go for a while. (I've barely made any art worth noting either. A few collages and sketches, but nothing I felt like sharing.)

As my priorities were shifting over the last 8 months, I realized that my idea of what success is has changed. A few years ago, I was willing to sacrifice relationships and a social life to focus on "my art." That was all that mattered to me, especially after I came out of an unhealthy relationship towards the end of college. I would squeeze in as much art making as possible into my days, whether before work for just a few minutes or staying up a few more hours once I got home. My heart had been burned, and I found solace in the quietness of artistic creation. I was content to fill my free time with playing in my art space.

But then along came Colin, and my world was turned on its head. He won my heart, helped me to see that being a successful artist isn't the most worthwhile thing to pursue, and is just generally encouraging me to be a better person. His influence on my life, from his quiet thoughtfulness to the way he calls me out on my issues without realizing it to observing his heart to serve and help others, has been transformative. I'm still amazed that I caught his attention. Colin has been so huge in helping me to see what true success is, and it has nothing to do with selling lots of paintings or creating a popular blog.

This changes everything!
As my life has completely changed over the last month (quit my job, got married, moved out of my parents' home, renting my first apartment and learning what it means to be a wife), it seems like a good time to solidify new priorities and resurrect dormant ideas and projects. Just today, I submitted a book proposal and started seriously exploring and figuring out how to make a line of jewelry I want to create. And I hope to begin posting semi-regularly on here again, though it is strange to realize that my name is actually different now (it's Morley not Preble anymore).

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